Kokoelma: Ring Binder kansiot
Edullisissa rengaskansioissamme on useita värejä ja kuvioita, ja niissä on runsaasti tilaa kaikille A4- ja A5-papereillesi. Muovisia lompakoita voidaan käyttää myös muuntyyppisten tiedostojen säilyttämiseen.
Toimistossa valitse musta tai laivastonsininen lompakko tai lompakko, jossa on hauska teema ja piristä opintojasi. Osta valikoima rengaskansioita eri väreissä järjestääksesi arvokkaat paperit eri luokkiin. Pidä hauskaa ja rakenna ylivertaisen organisaation sateenkaari!
Valittavana useita rengaskansiokokoja
Yleisimpien rengaskansioiden leveys on 25 mm. Monien mielestä nämä rengaskansiot ovat riittävän suuria päivittäiseen käyttöön, vaikka ne ovat silti kannettavat. Jos tarvitset enemmän tilaa, 40 mm:n suurrengaskansio, jossa on tilaa vieläkin enemmän asiakirjoille, on hyvä valinta. Rengaskansiomme ovat yksi parhaista tavoista kuljettaa, säilyttää ja suojata asiakirjojasi tyylikkäästi. Etsitpä sitten taloudellista tapaa suojata tiedostoja kotona tai toimistossa, tukevaa ratkaisua arkistointiin tai kätevää tapaa kuljettaa työpapereita laukussasi, tämä kansio on sinua varten. Siinä on kolmiasentoinen takajalusta, joka pitää sen pystyssä pöydälläsi, pöydälläsi tai hyllylläsi.
Rooman rengaskansiot
Our Rome range uses a soft-touch synthetic leather material in a choice of 13 colours to make your Ring Binders reflect your brand.Learn More
Pekingin rengaskansiot
Recycled leather ring binders giving a luxury feel at a fraction of the price of full leather.Learn More
Kairo A4 ja A5 rengaskansio
A metal effect A4 and A5 Ring Binder available in 5 colours with a heavy weave finish.Learn More
Uusi Delhi rengaskansio
Our New Delhi range ring binders are made in a deep grain synthetic hide material which is hard-wearing and easily cleaned using a damp cloth. New Delhi covers are flexible and suitable for heavy use, a menu cover which looks like leather at a fraction of the cost of real leather.Learn More
Washingtonin sormuskansiot
Our Washington ring binders bring a unique wood effect to your hospitality establishment.Learn More
Lontoon rengaskansio
Ring binders in a very hard wearing buckram cloth, with over 40 colours available.Learn More
Pariisin rengaskansiot
Ring binders in an Italian made polyurethane material, soft touch, striking woodgrain texture and available in 20 colours.Learn More
Oslon rengaskansio
Classic ring binder produced in a hard-wearing smooth grain finish synthetic leather. Choose from 4 colours.Learn More
Tokion rengaskansiot
Our Tokyo range is made using a high quality bonded leather with a minimum of 85% leather content.Learn More
Moskovan rengaskansiot
Our Moscow ring binders use a high-quality white PVC which can be digitally printed allowing for a full colour photo quality image on your product. Paired with our high-quality protective laminate for a robust product which is easy to clean.Learn More
Madridin rengaskansiot
Our Madrid ring binders feature a soft-feel luxury Italian material ideal for digital printing, foil printing or blind embossing. These products are exceptionally customisable with your own branding across the full range.Learn More
Helsingin rengaskansiot
A metal effect A4 Ring Binder available in 5 colours with a smooth mesh cross thread finish.Learn More
Tukholman rengaskansiot
A metal effect A4 and A5 Ring Binder available in 5 colours with a hammered dimple finish.Learn More
Dublinin rengaskansiot
‘Dublin’ Ring Binders are designed in a luxury soft-touch material with textured finish that mimics real leather. This easy clean hard wearing material is available in 5 colours.Learn More
Edinburgh rengaskansiot
Our Edinburgh range of Ring Binders are made using 85% genuine leather fibres, waste retrieved from tanneries. These menu covers look, smell and feel like genuine leather.Learn More
Zürichin rengaskansiot
Our Zurich range of Ring Binders are made using 85% genuine leather fibres, waste retrieved from tanneries. These menu covers look, smell and feel like genuine leather.Learn More
Ateenan sormuskansiot
Easy Clean wood effect ring binders in a range of 2 classic colours.Learn More
Worldwidemenus is a UK manufacturer producing bespoke high-quality products for the hospitality industry with many satisfied international customers, includes ring binders.
We offer a wide range of Ring binders and folders with many customisations option including size, material and ring mechanism (2, 3 or 4 ring mechanisms available). Whether your storing financial information, guest information, room information, or menus a ring binder can keep your documents safe and organised.
Other uses for our ring binders include school, college, university or even a home improvement product to name a few. With plenty of space to have documents separated
Ring binders are the ideal product to keep important documents safe, organised and easy to transport between locations.
Budget and customization
No matter what size your budget we have a ring binder for you, from full saddle hide leather to card covered with synthetic hide. Not after a leather effect check out our other ranges of swatches from a soft luxury PU material, wood effect, wood to hard waring cotton.
We offer a selection of branding options including full colour digital print, hot foil print, blind embossed and laser engraving.
With hundreds of options in branding, material choices and finishing we produce ring binders for all occasions and settings no matter what the budget we have options for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What ring size do I need?The most common size is 25mm ring mechanism which most people will find suitable for daily use, holding approximately 100 sheets of paper. We also offer larger 40mm ring mechanisms for those customers requiring a larger capacity.Can I store paper without having to punch holes?Yes. We offer a wide range of clear plastic document holders to fit all the ring binders we offer; we can also provide custom sized clear plasticdocument holders on request.CATEGORY
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